Wait ... what? Geezus you are right that is too much on a Tuesday morning at 9am. *yawn* I realize I haven't written a post in almost 2 weeks but seriously give a sista a break I'M BUSY! My buddies Liz and Jason (and myself) decided last minute we were going to
We are currently at a countdown to the Halloween Hustle 5k...T minus 5 days *gasp*. Holy Helen. I can't decide which part I am concentrating on more...my outfit or not walking at all. I mean lets be honest it's not like I'm going to win so I might as well have a fun costume. Am I right or am I right? Mi amigo Liz and I are making our outfits. We are pretty bored housewives so it makes sense. We were also thinking of giving cupcake creations/decorating a whirl...I'm 150% positive that will be a post all by itself. Tutus for costume in construction.
My motivation is slipping away. And actually I am unsure that it is slipping away but more like I forget how important it is to me to lose weight. Everyday is a battle...(B7...MISS!!! Did anyone get that reference? No...okay we will continue) I have decided along with my daily blog updates that keep me motivated I am going to make a word/picture collage to help my process. Today i watched a really cool video on the Thunderbird Soccer blog (click here) and I was inspired. Goosebumps and everything!!! I need to remember why I am trying and why I need to continue to work hard. I want to be better. Here is why...my family is amazing! I want to be better for them.
We are also in countdown central for wrapping up soccer season. I cannot even believe it. 1 game left!! We had a BBQ Friday after the game, hosted dinner Saturday for parents and players (totally forgot to snap any photos because I WAS BUSY), and coming up Senior dinner, Senior Day, end of season banquet, and who knows what else will need to happen in the next 2 weeks. Just when we thought we were going to get a break guess again...full court press on recruiting, ODP games, camps, clinics, traveling nonstop...I'm already tired thinking about it...HOWEVER it will leave my schedule wide open to stay on track for the skinny train (toot toot).
I'm also going to start reading Bossypants by Tina Fey to channel my girl power a little. I'm applying for a new job that I really really really want!
If you follow me on twitter (@treygay) or instagram(treygay11) it's possible you have already peeped these pics.
Have a Happy Tuesday!!!