Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Out from under my rock!!! Yeah Booooooooy

Part 1...

First let me begin by saying...that was a busy 5 month bloggy nap I took and I have literally so much to catch you up on I am not sure I know where to start.  Oh wait....yes I do!!!!


Hands down the best vacation I have ever been on.  My college roomie/best friend/sister/amiga/frienemy...we have been through the whole circle of life together and there is nobody I would have rather been stuck on a boat in the middle of the ocean with a bunch of Disney characters with... yep.  Nat Tat Tat Tat...the radio DJ. 

I can't even begin to explain how much Nat and I love Disney.  When we were in college she kept her Disney park ticket in her wallet and would randomly look at it and say "It's the happiest place on Earth" and then sob like a baby a single glistening tear of joy would trickle down her sweet cheeks. Anywhooooo.  We had a blast. I flew from Utah to Houston and the cruise left from Galveston.  7 day me lord and all the poor people on the boat who had kids (and we didn't).  At one point someone asked us "Are your kids in the club house?" and we answered "Nope.  Just 2 grown ass people on a Disney cruise...don't judge" 

We went to Grand Cayman which I will 100% do again (we were stupid and didn't know where to go and didn't do any excursions) but rather went to a bar and drank.  Then walked 7 mile beach in the blistering sun and hot sand to another bar.  And drank more.  Got in a minivan with a Jamacian guy and a homeless guy and they drove us back to the ship.  Yeah booooooy that's how we roll.  Then  we cruised on to Mexico.  A place that is specifically made for cruise liners.  The name of the place fails me and so does everything that happened there.  Please know that every time I see a sombrero and a bottle of tequila my skin crawls.  Our last destination was Cozumel.  There was a monsoon outside and Nat and I really wanted to go explore so we did what any other self respecting 33 year old would do and we ran in the rain giggling.  We went around and shopped a little and basically got pushed around by the little old Mexican ladies...uhhhhh....which means we bought stuff.  The rain let up a little when we shopped but AS SOON AS WE WERE READY TO GO BACK ONBOARD it started monsooning again.  So, again like any self respecting 33 year olds, we took a bike taxi. HAHAHA!!!  We were on the back of a BICYCLE in a covered cart.  And a poor little guy rode the bike to the ship for $5.  To this day I will say BEST $5 EVER SPENT. 

One the ship we had so much fun and got total VIP treatment, ya know because my BFF is a celebrity.  I am so glad she chased her dreams...the perks are amazing:)  I am totally kidding. Sort of.  We laid out every day on the top deck, enjoyed the drinks of the day, went exploring, hit the gym, ate at the most fabulous restaurants, played BINGO, and met some really amazing people!
If I had the chance I would do it all over again.  We had so much fun and no matter how old we get...some shit will never change. (please see video below)

Next up

My first half marathon experience will be up next in "Part 2 Out from under my rock!!! Yeah Booooooooy"