Thursday, November 1, 2012

I can't even deal right now.

Seriously people.  November 1st????  I can't even function right now with how fast this year has blown by.  I moved to Utah in March and I feel like I still have boxes to unpack and things to hang up in my house...ummm I'm sorry what?  Yeah I actually do still have boxes to unpack. Ugh how annoying. Before I get to the part where I complain about how much crap is going down this month(maybe I won't complain at all) I'm gonna hook you up with some sweet pics from last night's Epic Halloween Party 2012 ( 4 adults and 3 dogs...don't tell me we don't know how to have a good time!)
Becky and I at the beginning of the night and at the end. (please note pumpkins in background that didn't get carved...lazy bitches)

JoJo wearing a hamburger costume that his Aunt Liz gave him.  Hello cute bundle of scrumping love.

App & Dinner. Baked Brie with Cranberry Chutney and stuffed acorn squash.  Yumm-baba-lou!

And the highlight of the evening...Adam a& Liz...HOT MESS CENTRAL STATION.

Pretty much its the 4 of us all the time since we are still working on making friends in this weird ass place. BUT.WE.ARE.AMAZING. 

Last weekend Liz and I ran walk/jogged in a 5k.  First of all the description sounded so fun "come support no-kill animal shelters in Utah" blah blah "wear a costume it will be fun" hmmm "you can skip or jog or walk or bring your dog"  They made sound so fun and cutesie (so naturally Liz and I were thinking two things: HELL YEAH!! Animal loving tree hugger liberal cause & costumes.) #BOOM.  ****screeeeeeeeeech**** wrong.  This fucking "sweet little 5k supporting animals" was accidentally THE HARDEST 5K IN THE STATE OF UTAH for real.  It started at the top of a mountain...then the 1st half dropped 1500 ft in elevation and the last 1.5 miles you got to enjoy that 1500ft elevation THE OTHER WAY. Mmmmhmmm you heard me right...a 1500 ft climb. Straight. Up. The. Mother. Effing. Mountain.  Let me tell you that shit isn't cute when you are 30 lbs over weight. I wanted to die. I still might be sore.  Whatevs here are some photos...we are cute:)

Post race me and Liz.

Pre-race gang of 20 or so

Pre/during/post race.  we rock.
  Anyway there are a lot of people out there in bloggerville that have a ton of stuff to do this November and on top of that they are doing fun challenges.  I'm going to go ahead and participate in the POTM (Pile on the Miles) 2012 with my bloggie friend Melanie at 4Kottez (click here)She has a ton and a half going on this month but is committing to 75 miles to be logged with her running shoes and I'm going to jump on that train **choo choo**.

In addition to that Challenge I might come up with a sweet week by week challenge for myself to do this month.  Check-in on Mondays and give the new 7 day surprise and rock the shit out of November...and maybe drop some lbs while I'm at it.  **If you are doing a challenge tell me about it maybe I'll join you**  I went back to my fitness pal lets hope that bitch of an app helps this time around ... and I have been chewing on Shakeology for a while now but can't decide if it is a good fit for this fat girl.  Any suggestions are appreciated!! 

Oh yeah and I don't mean to drop this bomb but I decided I'll be running The Butch Cassidy 10k(click here) this weekend...yeah totally not sure if I'm ready but I totally want to do it.  I'll update you on that one as soon as I can. HAHAHAHAHA!

Happy November!

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