Anywhooooooooo the time has come...people today is such a big day for me. I left Texas about 2.5 years ago and since I left NOT.A.SINGLE.PERSON has come to visit me (*whispering not even my mom). Sad right? I know I hurts my feel bads sometimes but no more! I will not sit around and sulk any longer. Reasoning: it just makes me angry. And angry is so fugly. Fast forward to Happy Tracey
My friends Suzzie and Ashley are coming tonight!!!!!!!!!!!! Remember when I wrote the post Panties in a Twist??? Well I never did a follow up post because I have been too excited that they are coming. I thought about it every single day since August 15th!!! Seriously I have menu's planned out, hiking everyday, and the house is going to be coming down! I'm pumped (not sure that Becky is ready for this) At any rate I am excited and will have a fantastic update on their trip with pics an all.
Here is our mock itinerary:
Hike Kannaraville Falls
Soccer Game
Hit 1 of the only 2 bars in town
Hike Cedar Breaks Spectra Point Overlook
Soccer Game
Game Night
Beer Pong Tournament
ZION (enough said)
Oscar's for a late lunch
Cowboys game and fun times at the casa
Hike Kolob Canyon Double Arches
hang out
they leave:/
I get to hike, chill, break bread and drink wine with some of my favorite peeps!!!
Later Lovers....
I think I followed you? I don't know how to show my blog?